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四川外国语大学英语学院前身为历史悠久、享誉西南的英语系(始建于1959年)。2009年,原英语系与原英语语言文化系(始建于1984年)合并,组建为英语学院。2021年,英语学院整合国际关系学院英语专业和研究生院托管的英语专业研究生教育,组建为新英语学院。目前,英语学院拥有本科、硕士、博士以及博士后完整人才培养体系, “英语语言文学”和“外国语言学与应用语言学”所属一级学科“外国语言文学”为重庆市一流学科;英语本科专业为国家级一流专业和重庆市一流专业。经几代川外英语人筚路蓝缕的艰辛创业和百折不挠的奋斗开拓,学院目前在师资队伍建设、教研科研实力、人才培养水平等方面,位居西南地区龙头,在中西部地区具有强大辐射力,在全国英语学界具有重要影响。


英语学院英语本科专业分为“英语语言文学”、“英语语言学”、“英汉双语翻译”、“英语教育”和“英语国家国别与区域”五个方向,并有“英汉双语高级翻译实验班”“中国文化走出去实验班”“英语+国际传播”“英语+电子商务”“英语+智慧语言康复”“传音国际交流班”以及“跨境电商精英训练营”等实验班。目前,学院开设有各种专业基础课、专业发展课和专业方向课程近100门;拥有国家级一流课程3门、重庆市一流课程3门、重庆市重大教改立项1项、省市级教改立项16项、重庆市精品课程6门、重庆市精品资源共享课程3门、重庆市精品在线课程5门、重庆市优秀教学团队5个、重庆市优秀教学成果奖10项、出版教材20本。此外,学院还拥有“央地共建专业实验室” 1个,以及英语演讲与辩论队、英汉双语口译队、英华萃戏剧社、新稷下本科生学术论坛、创意写作坊等丰富多彩的第二课堂。


学生培养质量优良。近年来,我院学生的英语专业四、八级考试平均通过率均大幅度超过全国外语院校平均通过率。学生在“‘外研社杯’全国英语辩论赛”、China Open Debate Championships、 CCTV“希望之星”英语风采大赛、中国日报社“21世杯”全国英语演讲比赛、海峡两岸口译大赛、中日韩青年论坛、IDEA(国际英语辩论教育协会)国际英语辩论赛、全国口译大赛、北京辩论挑战赛、Beihang World Debate Academy等国际国内重大赛事中屡创佳绩。学院毕业生就业形势良好,初次就业率达90%。除考研升学外,大批毕业生进入中联部、外交部、国安部等国家机关以及外贸、外企、旅游、民航、海关、新闻传媒、中小学和各类培训机构等部门从事与本专业相关工作。

海纳百川 止于至善

SES Profile

Owing its origin to the Department of English (DOE) established in 1959, the School of English Studies (SES) in SISU was founded in 2009 when DOE merged with the former Third Department of English (which was established in 1984). Currently, SES offers a four-year program in English leading to BA degrees in three sub-areas, viz., Translation & Oral Interpreting, English Literature & Linguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Due to the program’s educational and academic excellence in English it has been accredited as an A-Class State Program and a Priority Program of Chongqing Municipality. Prompted by the pioneering spirit of its predecessors and supported by more than five decades of innovative perseverance, SES is proud to be recognized as the most dynamic and creative force in SW China. It is therefore one of the leaders across the entire country in providing high quality English education.

The faculty of SES is composed of 75 full-time teachers, of which, 13 are full professors, 40 are tenured associate professors. 20 have attained their Ph.D. degrees, and 98% have earned M.A. degrees, specializing in Anglo-American literature, comparative literature, linguistics & applied linguistics, cultural studies, TESOL, and other related fields. 95% of the faculty have had international experiences. All faculty members take a genuine interest in classroom instruction, while dedicating themselves to academic research. In addition to this, there are qualified and experienced teachers from English-speaking countries affiliated with SES. They not only bring passion to the learning environment and lend an international vision into the classroom, but also contribute considerably to making SES a multicultural academic community.

SES’s primary teaching goals are to equip students with fundamental English competence, provide a well-rounded knowledge of Sino-Western humanities, advance a broad international vision, develop the faculties of creative and critical thinking, and emphasize personal traits of honesty, modesty, and integrity. In support of these goals, SES offers a wide spectrum of modules covering its three primary coursework areas: foundation courses, communication courses, and electives. Foundation courses are designed to equip students with a basic knowledge of English. Communication courses aim to strengthen students’ ability to express themselves in English, think critically, speak fluently, and hone their writing skills in ways that will be important in their future lives and careers. Elective courses focus on specialized studies in Anglo-American literature, Chinese literature (in English), comparative literature, literary theory, linguistics and applied linguistics, theories of translation, cultural studies, TESOL, etc. The three main coursework areas complement one another, enabling graduates to achieve high standards of excellence. Complementing these study programs is a range of extracurricular activities (supported by a number of extracurricular platforms, e.g., the Creative Writing Studio, the Neo-Akademia Forum, and the Envision Drama Club), social services, and internships.

Graduates from SES are highly sought after by prestigious graduate schools and employers in diverse fields, such as English teaching, public service, international trade, diplomatic affairs, tourism, banking, finance, media, etc. Graduates from SES work tirelessly in these areas, fully utilizing their knowledge of English in their particular areas of calling.

In addition to teaching, academic research is another prominent aspect of SES. In recent years, the scholarly output created by SES’s faculty members has been rising steadily in both quantity and quality. Five research centers operate under SES: The Center for Anglo-American Literature Studies, The Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Studies, The Center for Translation Studies, and The Center for Comparative Literature. SES also publishes an annual scholarly journal, A Review of International EL&L, reviewing and reporting on the latest academic achievements by foreign scholars in English studies.

With the advent of the new millennium, SES will redouble its efforts to further enhance its teaching, academic research and international collaboration, accomplishing the mission distilled in its motto:

Connecting the World, Striving for Excellence!