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Answer to THE ANSWER 王铮

发布时间:2019-01-10 访问次数:

Answer to THE ANSWER

Hauntingand roaring, THE ANSWER is chasing after his reflection, with a mass ofquestions inflamed in his mind. Not long ago he discovered himself lying ontoThe Vast alone without knowing who he was or for what he came here, thisnobody-knows-where-it-is place for, he is nearly rushing a rampage onto theedge of eruption madness, and at one of the frequent moment of him staring atthe very skyline, he notices that there was something unusual blinking. So overthe speed and sound, he highlights the situation of that imagery which wasquite vague but kind of familiar. And when he came closer he realized that the“something” over the horizon is actually something that exactly looks likehimself, staring back to him while he is staring at “him” surprisingly, full ofvigilance.

“So…who are you?” he asked.

“Iam you but more than that, I am kind of your reflection, but not that little,”

“Iam something more than you but I come versus you,

Iam your deadly enemy,

butI am immortal and invincible,

whenI am faced with you,”

thereflection said.

“Andyou can get all you want when you ruin me,

andyou can see everything when you devour me.

Comehere and haunt me,

Hannibalyour Rome, Cannibal your past,

celebrateyour triumphant return, if you can,

eventuallyif you can touch the Laurel of victory.

Andby that time, you will get everything but nothing from me,

aswell as yourself, or we can say, ourselves somehow,”

“Sometimesrealizing what you actually are can solve all those questions,

pushan end to the story, creature,

likethe highlight of a short novel,

likethe refrain of the magnificent music.

Thatis what apparently matters, I do think.”

“Idon’t know what you are jabbering and what witchcraft you did is conjuring ontome, but it is actually time for you FAKER to leave away this world and get outof the way of my exploring the truth of myself.”

Sufferingfrom some kind of unspeakable anxiety and various of intimate emotions, THEANSWER was too violent to keep peace between the reflection and himself.

Forsome reasons that he can hardly tell, and he rushed forward, to bring up afight.

Theconflict began, and long days float. Apparently the THE ANSWER-like figure isabout to be defeated, no longer takes the initiative to attack he just escapesand hides. But it's as if there is some sort of inexplicable link between thetwo, one can find the other at once when the latter hides.

Timegoes by, years roll away, and eventually, someone is going to be defeated. Thereflection waddles on the river of vicissitudes undertaken by the thriving andflorescent nightfall, and stares at the skyline where THE AWSWER is overlookingat him.

“Tellme all of that, about you, about me, about everything.”

“Comeand know it by eating up all of me. ”

Afigure dives at extremely fast speeds and soon the other one who is standing onland falls to the ground, pieces circles.

“Iam THE ASK. And I am also THE ANSWER to another THE ASK. I was kind of you.What you are doing right now is exactly what I did to that poor guy. And then,I became ME.”

“Andnow you are nothing less than me while nothing more than me, you have come intothis transmigration, just wait in the destined fate all the same as TODAY.”

Andat that very time the killer realized that what his innate mission was that toexecute the guy who’s exactly going to die in his hand, is to resolve, to givea way, to ANSWER all of it. And then, he will become a question, which is to beanswered.

“Andnow everything is ended. Finally I can get released from this cursed destiny…”THE ASK whispers, and disappears without leaving anything proving hisexistence. After the killer finishes this mission, all those things come to anend, only leaving him walking alone in the world, exploring the answer to himTHE ANSWER, and waiting for the final fall’s fallen, which is also anotherbeginning for another likely story…



上一篇:Dream 李伊玥